MIT Technology Review has an article out entitled, “Forget Viruses or spyware – Your biggest Cyberthreat is greedy cryptocurrency miners”. It briefly discusses what cryptojacking is and why it is becoming one of the biggest current threats. Now, I’m not endorsing a specific product or service, but I find that a combination of products such as Malwarebytes Premium and AVG Internet Security’s Ultimate subscription do provide a comprehensive and inexpensive level of protection. There are free versions out there of some great products, but the little amount of money you may spend will be more than offset in most cases by the extra capabilities you will gain (You’re looking at less than $200/year to gain the ability to sleep peacefully at night knowing the unlimited licensing is watching all of your PC/Android and Apple devices).

Again, I’m not specifically endorsing these products, but I do encourage you to do your research and pick something. Often, your company will have a benefit where they offer up free or significantly discounted security software for home use. Find out more and if they do offer this benefit, take them up on it. If they don’t offer this as a benefit you are entitled to you might consider going to your boss and asking for reimbursement if you do any work at home or on your personal devices. If that isn’t offered, well I recommend investing in your personal security by just going out and buying the software out of pocket. Go, right now, do your research and get something.

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